VIDEOCAS was written to provide a way of labeling audio cassette tapes. It prints 'three fold' cassette tape insert covers, which fit over the tape liners provided with the tape. These Covers provide for increased amounts of info, better readability, and provide a neat appearance with less effort. If you print with 20 lb or better paper, you do not need to use the tape liners provided with the tape. One line of Large size Type and two lines of Standard type may be placed in the second 'fold' of the cassette cover. These lines are entered in the Title entry screen sub menu of Entries. The second "fold" is the one on the bottom of a cassette tape box and is where most people usually list the artist/album titles. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have fonts COURIER, COURIER NEW, & COURIER NEW BOLD installed in your windows program to have proper screens and printing in this program. The selections entry screen accepts information in format desired, and allows for up to 20 lines of data. The screen is divided into two columns of 28 characters each. Thus, you may list the contents of the tape in two columns (use a delimiter, or leave a space between columns) or the line may be 56 characters long by entering up to end of the first column, and starting in the first space in the second column. The Print Preview selection on the menu will show the final layout on the screen. Select Sample to look at suggestions. You will notice that the dividing line in the data entry screen is not printed, and the two columns are joined without a Space.